SmartSystems' components that can
be specified for virtually any Connor wood or synthetic system
include SmartWoodCM, SmartPadsTM and SmartMatsTM
with recycled materials, SmartCoatingsTM and related
non-toxic, non-hazardous materials and technology.
Play it SmartTM...Specify
incorporate SmartWoodCM, a program of the Rainforest
Alliance, an international nonprofit conservation organization,
focused on reducing the long-term impact of logging. This program
incorporates hardwoods from managed forests that use advanced
findings in forestry management. Connor Sports Flooring
Corporation is the first MFMA manufacturer certified under this
worldwide program. SmartWoodCM can be specified for any
maple surface and system that Connor manufacturers.
Play it SmartTM...Specify
and SmartMatsTM
All Connor mats
and pads used in our wood systems are manufactured from recycled,
mixed rubber materials. And, because Connor systems are totally
environmentally friendly, they can be disposed of under normal
landfill conditions. All Connor synthetic systems, including the
Elasti family
and MultiSport are free of metals, PCBs, fluorocarbons,
formaldehyde, lead and mercury.
Play it SmartTM...Specify
Whether it is
V.O.C. compliant finishes and seals or solvent free coatings,
the specification of SmartCoatingsTM completes the
environmentally friendly picture for all facilities when used with
SmartWoodCM and SmartPadsTM. SmartSystems' are
environmentally safe by design. SmartSystemsTM
integrate materials and technology options in both wood and
synthetic systems that will benefit many generations of Americans.
Architects, owners and communities can now be sure that their
facility is Safe By Design?so that athletes of all ages can Play
it SmartTM.